YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE You are UNIQUE! This means YOU have special gifts to help
change the world. Talk to your parents about ways in which
you can recycle or conserve at home. Ask the wonderful
folk at zoos and conservations close to you how you can get
involved in all kinds of fun and educational activities. Get
your friends and neighbours involved. Look up websites for
zoos and wildlife conservations, and check out what’s going
on around the world!
The mission of the JEACs is to inspire respect for, and stewardship of, the
natural world, while providing a quality visitor experience.
We are an international group of Junior Environmentalists and
Conservationists who long to save our planet from destruction. We will
work towards this by:
- educating ourselves on the importance and necessity:
- of protecting all wildlife - especially endangered species -
and the techniques used by conservation groups all over the
world to reach this goal;
- of preventing our global environment from further damage,
and finding out how we can participate in this endeavour;
- creating awareness of these issues among our peers and by
sharing knowledge with them, encouraging more volunteers to join
our group;
- becoming members of zoos, conservations and environmental
groups in our region, actively participating in events organized by
them and, through donations and fundraising efforts, contributing
towards their work.
Amelia Lionheart has been writing for many years and is the
published author of five books for children. She has a diploma in
writing from the Institute of Children's Literature, Connecticut,
Amelia, who has lived and worked in several countries, believes
very strongly in the conservation of wildlife and, in particular, the
protection of endangered species. She is convinced that
awareness of this issue, when imbued in children atan early age,
is a vital step towards saving our planet.
As a member of several nature/wildlife preservation
organizations, including the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust,
she invites children and their families to become involved with
local zoos and conservation centres and to support their
important work, both by creating awareness and fundraising. To
encourage this, she created a group called the 'Junior
Environmentalists and Conservationists' (the JEACs) in the first
book of her JEACs series, Peacock Feathers. In the other
books, the JEACs travel to various countries, having adventures
while enlarging their group and encouraging local children to
start groups of JEACs in their own countries.
As of June 2014, Amelia has five groups of JEACs in Canada.
The JEACs continue to evolve and are currently involved in
fundraising for established organizations such as the Calgary
Zoo, WWF Canada, the Whooping Crane Foundation, Calgary
Rehabilitation Wildlife Centre, Humane Society, the Bird
Sanctuary, the Fish Hatchery, and other local and international
groups. Amelia's other interests include environmental issues,
volunteer work and fundraising. She believes that if people from
different countries explore the diversity of cultures and learn from
one another, they will discover that they have more similarities
than dissimilarities. Many of these ideas are included in her