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You are UNIQUE! This means YOU have special gifts to help change the world. Talk to your parents about ways in which you can recycle or conserve at home. Ask the wonderful folk at zoos and conservations close to you how you can get involved in all kinds of fun and educational activities. Get your friends and neighbours involved. Look up websites for zoos and wildlife conservations, and check out what’s going on around the world!

JEACs – CAC – No.1

Description: Fundraising Table in School Lobby
Case # 1: Whooping Cranes in Alberta
Assigned To: Laila
Age: 10
Due Date: Next Meeting


Ask the principal for permission

Design & Create a “Fundraising Table” for the school lobby

Provide a Whooping Crane for the kids to color & in exchange for a $1 or $2 their Whooping Crane will find it’s way to an Alberta habitat (our school lobby)

Provide an information page on the brand, new, “first – ever – in – the – world - real” JEACs – CAC – No. 1 & anyone (parents, teachers, visitors to the school) are welcome to make a donation to our first case, the Whooping Cranes in Alberta
This is the life size Whooping Crane that I drew and painted for the display,
This is the donation box that my Mom made.
This is the display that we made for the JEACs – CAC – No. 1 Case for the Whooping Cranes that we had in the lobby of our school. We made just over $80. This display was up from June 6 until the last day of school.
My “ACTION” Results: