YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE You are UNIQUE! This means YOU have special gifts to help change the
world. Talk to your parents about ways in which you can recycle or conserve
at home. Ask the wonderful folk at zoos and conservations close to you how
you can get involved in all kinds of fun and educational activities. Get your
friends and neighbours involved. Look up websites for zoos and wildlife
conservations, and check out what’s going on around the world!
The JEACs (Junior Environmentalists and Conservationists), a group created by
Amelia Lionheart in the first book of her series, attempts to enlighten children –
through the means of adventure stories – about conservation and
environmental issues. It has always been the fervent aspiration of the author
that, by means of her books and website, the JEACs would, one day, become a
reality - and in May 2012 it did!
The JEACs firmly believe that some of the key factors in saving our planet are:
Jun-ior Environ-menta-lists and Con-ser-vation-ists!
When we think about our world, all the animals and birds
Who are losing their homes day by day
If each person does their part, it will cheer up every heart
So let’s take a stand and act without delay!
We’ve decided we will strive to keep birds and beasts alive
And to make CONSER-VA-TION our theme
We will talk to all our friends, try to help them understand
That our world must come awake and not just dream!
All the creatures that we love, from the ele-phant to dove,
Must be cared for and well protected, too
So all humans, young and old, have to speak up and be bold
Or we’ll end up with an “only human” zoo!
Where environment’s concerned, in our studies we have learned
That composting at home can be a start
And recycling’s very good, each and every person should
Be aware of how we all can do our part.
To the JEACs we belong, and we hope it won’t be long
Till our peers and our friends all will say
They believe that con-ser-vation and environ-menta-lism
Is the only way to save our world today!
Will you come and join our band? Will you lend a helping hand?
Though it’s serious, it can be great fun!
Tell your friends about it all, let them join up, big and small
And our fight against destruction will be won!
Jun-ior Environ-menta-lists and Con-ser-vation-ists!!