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From an inspiration to a story; from the story to a series of books; from the books to a book report in a school; from the book report to the reality of an authentic group – namely, JEACs – CAC – No.1!

On Friday, May 25th, 2012, a very enterprising nine-year-old girl in Alberta, Canada – LAILA – was inspired by the first book in The JEACs series, Peacock Feathers, to launch the first-ever-in-the-world Junior Environmentalists and Conservationists group (the “JEACs”) – “JEACs – CAC – No.1”!

Laila, an enterprising, talented and inspiring young lady, aided and encouraged by her wonderful role model – Mother (Melaney) – wrote to me and asked if I was a Canadian author since she wanted to do a book report on Peacock Feathers – and she gave me her contact details. I contacted Laila and Melaney, and during the conversation Laila asked if she could start her own group of JEACs. Without hesitation, I said “YES – you will be making my dream come true, Laila!”

From that point onwards, this amazing daughter and mother team, worked very hard, for three months, to make Laila’s book report a huge success. Having decided that the report would be presented in the form of the “first-ever-in-the-world JEACs meeting”, they set up an agenda, a call for membership, and Laila even invented an educational game titled “JEACs to the Rescue”. I was invited to attend the event as the “surprise guest” and to do a book signing. Naturally, I accepted! Could any author ask for more?

The Elementary School Principal, and Laila’s classroom teacher, supported and encouraged Laila in her endeavours and, needless to say, the entire event was an incredible success. The Grade 4 students were a super group, who listened intently, asked pertinent questions, thoroughly enjoyed the game and, at the call for membership of the JEACs – CAC – No.1 group, more than half of them joined up enthusiastically. I understand that their first project is to create awareness about the importance of protecting the Whooping Crane and ensuring that it does not become an endangered species – but, this will be voted on by the entire group of JEACs at their next meeting.

At the conclusion of the event, Laila’s teacher congratulated her on her superb presentation, and reminded the class that they, too, could achieve anything they set their minds to; that, since they were our future leaders, they needed to work hard in order to improve things; and that inspiration, discipline and determination, even in small things, could change the world and make it a better place. Laila received the applause and commendation she so richly deserved by her classmates, teacher, mother and myself. She was awarded a certificate of recognition, and a little silver elephant to signify that – like the elephant who never forgets – the author would never forget this heart-warming event and amazing girl.

The book signing was a success too, and a percentage of the sales will be given to Laila’s JEACs group, so that they can donate it to a zoo or conservation of their choice. After their lunch, the students enjoyed a chocolate cake which had the following inscription: “Congratulations, Laila, and the ‘JEACs – CAC – No.1’ Group!”

I am honoured and humbled by this event, and dedicate this brief report to Laila and Melaney. Thank you for making my dream come true!

It would be wonderful if more groups of children – aided and supported by their parents, teachers, schools, family, friends, conservations and zoos – formed groups of JEACs all around the world, and helped create awareness of the importance of saving our planet. Conservations and zoos are striving to educate our world, and we need to do everything we can to assist them.

Please contact the author if you wish to know more about the JEACs and would like to set up a group, so that you can receive your unique identity name and number and become part of this global network. We are in the process of compiling a more comprehensive report, which will also be posted on my website.

Thank you for caring about our planet!


Amelia Lionheart
Author and Founder of The JEACs
Books currently available in The JEACs Series:
Peacock Feathers
The Dolphin Heptad
An Elephant Never Forgets
Can Snow Leopards Roar?
The Humming Grizzly Cubs

Email: amelia.lionheart@shaw.ca

You are UNIQUE! This means YOU have special gifts to help change the world. Talk to your parents about ways in which you can recycle or conserve at home. Ask the wonderful folk at zoos and conservations close to you how you can get involved in all kinds of fun and educational activities. Get your friends and neighbours involved. Look up websites for zoos and wildlife conservations, and check out what’s going on around the world!